Map to real

Advance surveying
Lecturer: Kamruzzan Asif (B.Sc-AUST                                    Date: 05 October, 2018
Email:, Cell: 01521218623                              Time: 09:00 AM

Ex: A rectangle park has a length if 1.5'-0" and width of 1.2'-0" measuring on a photograph having scale of 1:20000. Calculate the area of the park?
Advance Surveying

 Given, L = 1.5, W = 1.2, Scale = 1:20000
Area    A= L x W
           = 1.5/(1/20000) x 1.2/(1/20000)
           = 30000 x 24000
           = 720000000 sft    Ans:

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